Petrol Station for Rome

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The theme of the course consists of a new concept for petrol stations in urban area, for the city of Rome, which corresponds to a multifunctional object, a kind of “service provider”. There are two levels of reflection: on the one hand, the theme “petrol station”, a need still evolving, with altered and unexpressed functional and communicative categories; on the other hand, the environment, which sets some delicate questions of integration and interpretation of values. It is not just tie together a new picture of the service station with the city, but to represent the City through it.

Corso di  Exhibit Interior e Public Design nel Corso di Laurea in Disegno Industriale
Facoltà di Architettura “Sapienza” Università di Roma
Atelier di Interior, Exhibit e Public Design, aa. 2005-2006

Students: Alessandro Mele, Niccolo Lombardi, Alessandro D’Alfonso, Domenico Santoro, Dayana Paoletti, Francesca Puddu, Daniela TObaldi, Carmine Nolè, Andrea Maraca, C. Degori.

Docenti: Marco Bevilacqua, Bianca Elena Patroni Griffi
In collaborazione con Archigia srl e Unione Petrolifera

  • Filed under: Research, Urban